Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Memories continued....

Well so far I haven't had any emails to post others stories so I will continue with my own.

In all honesty I don't remember very much from those seven years. I think this is what they call "repressed memories". What happens is a child goes through something so traumatic their brain blocks  the memories in order to protect them. I do remember a little though. This is my most vivid memory:

My mother had to work that night. I think she was a bartender at the time so she was gone from late night till early morning. Chad woke me up and ha dme come into the living room with him. He made me strip to my panties and get under the covers with him on the couch. I was scared. I knew it was wrong. He started touching me.....then he had me touch him. I remember I was crying so hard. He slapped me and told me to be a big girl. I knew it was going to go further than it ever had before......then someone knocked on the front door. I was saved. Chad opened the door. It was my cousins Brandi and Stephanie. I could tell by the look on their faces that they knew something was wrong. They ended up sstaying over that night. I should probably mention they are 10 years older than me. They slept in my room that night. It was the first time i had ever felt safe.....

I have to stop now. This is really hard....but I am hoping it will help me heal. Thank you again, whoever you are, for listening to my story.

You can contact me at or on facebook :!/profile.php?id=100000156564938

REMEMBER: Child abuse is WRONG. If someone approaches you claiming to be abused DO NOT IGNORE THEM!!!! Please help them. You could save their life.

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