Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Story

I am a child abuse survivor. Not a victim.
I was abused and molested by my ex-stepfather from the time I was three till I was ten. For seven years I endured unspeakable horrors.
The reason my blog is titled  "Where is my protector?" is because when I was eight years old I finally broke down to the only person I believed could protect me- my mother. I was in for a terrible shock.
After I had told her she went to my stepdad. For half an hour I listened for her screams. Finally she emerged from their bedroom with a new look on her face. Denial. She calmly walked up to me. Then she did something I'm not sure I can ever forgive her for. She slapped me and uttered one word.
If you have never been through child abuse you can never understand how helpless they feel. I was a child still a baby. The saying "Mother is god in the eyes and hearts of all children" is more than just words.
I felt there was nothing I could do and nobody I could turn to now. At eight years old I accepted the fact that I would most likely die before I was sixteen.
Then on the night of July 4, 2001 I was saved. My ex stepfather almost killed my mother. One of the neighbors, who was new in town thank god, called the police. The next morning my mother was given a choice. Him or us. Thankfully she chose us.
Charges were never pressed for some reason. I am nineteen, married and have a beautiful three month old son. I also just found out that there is no statue of limitations when it comes to child abuse or molestation in North Carolina.
Throughout my blogging I will post information about child abuse along with my email address in case anyone needs to talk. The next time you see that weird kid in class wearing long sleeves in June instead of picking on them talk to them. You may be surprised at who you could save.

You can contact me at or on facebook :!/profile.php?id=100000156564938

REMEMBER: Child abuse is WRONG. If someone approaches you claiming to be abused DO NOT IGNORE THEM!!!! Please help them. You could save their life.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so very proud of you for writing this. It takes a lot to speak out. It takes even more to speak up for others who are going through similar things.

    I want to direct you to Violence UnSilenced (you can google the name for the website). It's a place where survivors can come and share their stories. You can get a badge to post on your blog so that others can link there (my blog has one). I encourage you to share your story there as well.

    Also, I posted a blog about a child abuse case in North Carolina not to long ago. Here is the link:

    I'm proud of you. ((((hugs)))

    Love, Aunt Lissa
